I haven't made a blog entry in a very long time. A lot has happened since then.
I started an SSRI and as a result, I have gained more weight. I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life and I'm frustrated beyond measure. Things have particularly gone off the rails because the weight gain has caused the sleep apnea to flare badly. I'm very prone to depression when I'm tired and right now the whole world has a tinge of muted grey to it. I've also learned that I have congenital malformation of my knee caps and after 39 years, I have developed pretty bad arthritis in my left knee. The winter of 2016 has been horrible from an emotional standpoint, as my estranged mother died and 2 beloved family members have had cancer diagnoses. I'm in a bad cycle.
But...time marches forward and so am I. I started seeing a weight loss specialist last autumn, who prescribed a fairly strict diet. She wants me to go on medication, a notion I'm not fond of. I am continuing to track my food and exercise. It's not always pretty but it gets done. I'm doing physical therapy for my knee and I'm going to have a butt of steel when it's done.
I gave up on the tracking the pounds on this blog. I do a weekly weigh-in but I've decided I don't give a fudge about how many pounds I've lost and neither should anyone else. My only concern is my health and well-being. If I can get stronger and get my health issues under control, I will pretty damn happy.
Also, this little gentleman came into my life. He likes his walks. He will keep his mama motivated.

So these individuals think that fat people are: gross, ugly, unloveable, and lack self-control. Did it occur to them that other people might think that they are stupid assholes?
I also watched a show a few months back in which one of the hosts took a jab at the singer Adele, someone I happen to think is gorgeous. The hosts of the show were self-indentified nerds and one of them insinuated that because Adele is heavy, she would be desperate enough to have sex with any of one of them. So not only did he insult large women and Adele in particular, he also insulted nerds by implying that only desperate people will have sex with them. As a plus-size nerd, I find that doubly offensive.
It occurred me how idiotic these people sound but this stuff still cuts deep. Why? They obviously have issues with their intellectual capacity so why would anyone care what they think of fat people? I guess I don't know but I can say that these comments are based on plain old fear and ignorance, which humans have in abundance.
I do know that these people aren't the reason I'm on this journey. If someone tries to lose weight to placate haters and please other people, they are setting themselves up for failure. I did that once and I failed. I have a husband and friends and family who love me for all of the things I am regardless of my size. I want to bask in the light of that love for as long as I possibly can. And that is why I'm doing this.