Friday, October 14, 2011

Letting Go

Current weight: 239 pounds.  Weight to lose: 99 pounds. 

The title of this post symbolizes many things.  Not just the weight but also shame, frustration, and guilt; things that have plagued me for as long as I can remember. It was extremely hard to post my current weight on a forum where pretty much anyone can see it. Extremely.  But letting go of shame means being brave. (My husband still isn't allowed to read this blog though. It's still a process after all.) Behind all this...

Tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of the death of my father.  Letting go of him has been hardest of all.  But it gets a little easier every day. Every day is a new reserve of strength.  

I took a nice long walk tonight.  The time has come. Are you watching?  Here I go!  



  1. Oh Kim, I just want to reach through my screen and give you a big hug. There is a sadness in your eyes when I see you - like this picture.

    Thank you for sharing your journey. I'll stick with you.

    Your loving neighbor-friend,

  2. I absolutely love that you are doing this! I am so proud of you =)
    I'm right there with you <3

  3. Kim, this is so incredibly courageous of you! Glad you shared this first step and hope you feel the love and support that you have from this friend. You are one of the strongest and most compassionate people I know. And this is the very reason that I know that you will achieve your goal. Hugs to you!
    Love ya,

    P.S. apparently I suck at posting comments on wouldn't believe how many times it took me to successfully post this comment!

  4. Proud of you cousin! I'm too lazy to lose weight so maybe watching u do it will inspire my fat bum to get up n do something!

  5. I'm right there with you on so many levels! If you need a buddy to talk to or go for a bike ride or anything, let me know!! I've been on this journey quite a while and am still working on it, slow and steady is all I can say... Good luck!!!

    Michelle Z

  6. Thanks for love and support everyone. It means more than you know. Katey, your mom gave me a good goal. Lose half by this time next year and we will hike through some New England foliage!

  7. I am so proud of you sweetie! Take your doggie with you on your walks. Dan and I have found walking the girls so rewarding...not just cause it is healthy, but we get to see our neighborhood, bond with the girls and try to be fit. :)MWAH! Daylen

  8. Daylen,
    We love walking with our girls and exploring our neighborhood too! Love you!

  9. You go girl! There are wonderful smartphone apps that allow you to scan barcodes to pull in caloric and nutritional details to make keeping track much easier. Every little bit helps, especially when you see just how dang quickly they add up. I lost 40 pounds (almost 10 years ago) by just tracking everything...because I'm terribly lazy to actually exercise, lol!

    Unfortunately, many studies indicate it is more challenging for women than men, but just keep chugging along. Only weigh first thing in the AM after taking care of ... business :-) Once you start drinking and have breakfast, it can be be disheartening to seemingly gain weight, so that's the time that always worked for me and was consistent.

    Letting go is hard for anyone, letting go of anything. Food has to be the hardest since you simply cannot go without it, but you'll get there. The fact that you've made this blog has already ensured your commitment and inevitable success!


  10. Kim, you are one of the sweetest, kindest, capable persons that I know. You are such a giver. I hope you will feel the love and encouragement expressed by your readers/friends. Love you, Nancy

  11. Good Luck Kim. But remember, you are beautiful already.
