Friday, October 21, 2011

"The Perfect Body"

I just got this junk email adverting a free work-out DVD with a magazine subscription. 
"Get your perfect body with this FREE workout DVD from Women's Health‏!"

The media does so much to contribute to the culture of shame.  I find this particularly poignant because having parents who largely resemble/ed  hobbits, my efforts to obtain a "perfect" body would involve copious amounts of plastic surgery or other unhealthy behaviors. And my legs would still be too short to hold up to that standard.  My genetics will not allow the "perfect body" that our society promotes. But you know what?

I  DO NOT CARE!   I want to be healthy. I want to be strong.  I want to feel good.  And I can do this and still have a nice ba-donk-a-donk.

Why don't we strive for what our nature dictates rather than something artificially constructed by society?  Is it because we are social animals and therefore always looking for outside validation?  Are we just "sheeple?"    I know and admire many beautiful naturally skinny and beautiful naturally zaftig women.
The key word here is "naturally." 

Natural and healthy.

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