Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Weeks Ahead

Current Weight:  238 lbs.  Weight left to lose:  98 lbs.

Today was week 2 of a 12 week session of Weight-Watchers.  In general I am vehemently anti-diet plan, anti-fad diet but I do like Weight-Watchers. (even though I think they do too much promotion of their processed food products.)  It is realistic and focuses on education  about the basics:  eating a healthy diet, paying attention to to your bodies needs (e.g. stopping eating when you have had enough rather than putting on fat pants and forging ahead), getting enough exercise and viewing unhealthy foods as treats rather than a way of life.  Yeah, I can live with that.

The scale wasn't as kind as I had hoped today but every little bit helps.  I have many more weeks of hard work ahead.  Thank you for sticking with me thus far, readers.

1 comment:

  1. I find it helpful to fill my plate from the stove and not go back for seconds. Keep going and little by little you will succeed. Love, Nancy
